Food & Music Festival
Yum Yum Land
Yum Yum Land is an annual festival that mainly focuses on using the powerful relationship between food and music to bring people together for a fun memorable experience.
Year: 2021
Role: Research, Marketing + Advertising, Branding, Illustration
Programs: Ai, Ps, Id  


Problem Statement
Main Objectives
Create a brand centered around a festival experience for young adults by using the power of food and music.

Focus on taking inspiration from food ingredients to help create visual components in order to make it into a more immersive and nostalgic experience.
- Bring people together with food and music.
- Make it into an interactive and immersive experience.
- Create an experience people will never forget and will consistently come back to.
Case Studies
Market Analysis
Brand Colors
Final Products


Lineup Poster Advertisement

Brand Icons

Event Merchandise

Social Media Advertisements

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