Fashion Brand
Meiguo is a fashion brand that utilizes fashion as a medium to spark more topics and conversations for generational immigrants in America. Fashion is a great way for many people to express themselves culturally and creatively.
Year: 2020
Role: Research, Marketing + Advertising, Branding, UX + UI
Programs: Ai, Ps, Id, Figma

Main Logo
The word “Meiguo” stems from the Chinese pronunciation of America. In literal translation it means “Beautiful Country.” Out of all of the different ways to pronounce a country’s name it holds one of the most unique meanings in the Chinese language. The words and meaning is also what helped drive many Chinese immigrants to America. A land of opportunities, shared values, and acceptance of other cultures from around the world.
Share my story as an Asian American. Design with type and imagery along with incorporating elements of pop culture into the product to make it more relatable.

Logo Sketches

Logo Drafts
Final Products

Logo Selections

Long Sleeve Shirt

Snapback Hat

Website Home Page

Website Merchandise Page
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